Meet the Coach

Jenefeness Tucker, MBA

Jenefeness Tucker, MBA has recently been voted the Microentrepreneur of the Year and Advisor of the Year. She was also named on 100 Growth List of Middle Market CEO’s by Axial, appeared on Inside Edition, featured in an article on The Successful Micropreneur, NPR News and Successful Business News. She is an educated, experienced, qualified and certified Professional Development Consultant. She has been coaching, leading, educating, advising, facilitating, teaching and consulting for more than 15 years.

She started her “official” career as a Strategic Solutions Consultant with Financial COMFORT Consulting LLC in 2009, when she accepted her first contract to develop a financial literacy curriculum for low-income housing residents and teach a six-week class to help them advance in self-sufficiency. Yet, her training experience started in 1998 at Traditional Lines teaching collectors how to adhere to the FDCPA while “hounding” customers to pay for their World Book accounts. While working full-time and maintaining a growing family, Jenefeness finished her education and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications and Operations Management from Wilberforce University and then soon after a Master’s degree in Business Administration concentrating in Finance from Ohio Dominican University. After this, she has continued her education with certifications (i.e. GrowthWheel, IbisWorld, Icehouse Entrepreneurship, Profit Mastery, Tax Consulting and Preparation, et al) and reading a myriad of books. Jenefeness has been recognized as a “STAR OF THE QUARTER” at the Ohio 

Department of Job and Family Services as Unemployment Claims Examiner, Magna Cum Laude Graduate with Omnicron Psi Honor Society, “Volunteer of the Year” with the Association for Community Reform Now and “Progressive Minority Business Professional” with Girls on the Grind. She has gone from receiving less than $300 a month to grossing six figures a year.

Through the journey of poverty and wealth, she has held fast to principles (i.e. saving, tithing, paying bills timely, etc.) that enabled her to maintain her lifestyle and reach her personal and professional goals. Jenefeness dedicates a significant amount of her time as a Chief Operations Officer with the Fiscally Fabulous entourage. She currently enjoys teaching the same principles to her students at Franklin University and Columbus Arts and Technology Academy as well as growing clientele in central Ohio through one-on-one technical assistance, classroom workshops and in her new books Broken Wife Broken Life, Finesse My Life: From Launching to Leaping and  21 Day FI$CAL Bootcamp Workbook. Jenefeness relocated to Washington from Ohio in 2018 and is now co-parenting her 15-year old daughter as well as mentoring her 27-year old son.


Free Guide

Finesse My Niche

Developing a niche by carving out a small piece of the pie has been proven to be successful for small and large entrepreneurs alike.
“I believe your riches are in your niches”

Free Guide

Finesse My Time Management

Are you worn out, thinking there are not enough hours in the day? Are you an entrepreneur managing every facet of your business? Don’t give up, I developed these systems to #FinesseYourTimeManagement

Finesse Mission Statement

Empowering a new generation of women by Enhancing their knowledge and Engaging in their interest, Eliminating barriers and Exhausting all available resources to Exceed goals.

Finesse Vision Statement

Become a trusted authority and resource for financial, entrepreneurial and relational needs.



